Saturday, March 7, 2020
Pulwama attack Essays - Articles, Religion, Agnosticism, Freethought
Pulwama attack Essays - Articles, Religion, Agnosticism, Freethought We, Indians, are living up in the back-drop of looming black cloud in the post colonialism psychological landscape with hues of political, cultural, religious, and to my mind even philosophical absurdities being played down in the field of personal and collective thoughts. The Pulwama attack is a kind periodic climax in the never-ending politico-military script played out in Indian political stage. The most deplorable of the things coming out of such eruptions are the blows those inflict upon the near and dear ones of the people killed - military and civilian. It should be well to remember that those died, civilian as well as military, in reality, belong to poor families. Monetary compensation is likely to be of great help for the bereaved families, but nothing brings back the dead father, brother, son, friend, lover, etc. as the case may be. The loss of properties and loss of army morale and diplomatic points from such incidents come off as secondary level fall out, and are very muc h redeemable with corrective actions. Any attack on security forces in war fare and quasi war fare situations is a win-win situation for the government of the country, more correctly the party constructing the government. Firstly, the blame for such heinous act, with all and sundry adjectives attached, could be easily and conveniently placed atop the shoulder of the enemy soldiers of the enemy country and a perceived enemy community, and the government cleans up its hands. Secondly, equally crucially, such attacks give off tremendous potential opportunities for the ruling party - more so when the party is baptized upon majoritarianism and hatred based post-nationalism - as rich dividend could be reaped from such happenings, and how much reach depends upon how well or how badly the political drums are beaten by the minion media. The perceived enemy community, as is seen post-Pulwama, being attacked in orchestrated moves to score some brownie points in duels against un-armed, frightened, and cornered opponents. In essence some children of Mother India are attacking some other children of the same mother, with the cry of praise for mother India - Bande Mataram and Bharat Maata ki Jay in their leaps!! Some parasitic politicians are giving calls to boycott Kashmris!! Where is patriotism and where is nationalism in the chain of events? Look at AFSPA; the army is given free hands to deal with one segment of citizens of the country -cut to an army officer threatening mothers of Kashmiris for the perceived misdeeds perpetrated by their children. But when it comes to teach good lessons to Pak army and ISIS, the government comes out with list of diplomatic and other constraints. Thus the army is given open hand to punish Indian citizens and the same army's hands are being tied while punishing enemies of the country. Any level of human sense does not consider tigers, lions, deers, and other wild animals as more useful to human beings than cows are. But surprisingly laws prohibit their killings, but not of cows! A civilized human being seems absurd to be seen in a queue in-front of a meat shop with killed and skin-ripped off goats hanged upside down with blood smeared upon chosen parts of their dead bodies marking 21st century meat shop marketing strategy! The same person, whom we saw in the queue, comments against killing of some stray dogs by some lunatics! Where is animal welfare? Where does it exist in real sense? Not in the files of bureaucrats of course. Why such discrimination between animals when it comes to protecting rights of animals from being killed? On what basis the society decides that life of a crocodile is more important than life of a cow or for that matter a goat? Secularism, in essence, means non-adherence to any religious dictum. This is a bubble of high-value thoughts and so bursts occasionally. Secularism can only exist where religion is not heard of, and certainly India does not fall in that category. Every religious person thinks his/her religion is the best, and that is quite rational to think too, else why should one adhere to and participate in particular religious practices. Religion is codified with peoples' identity. So one can
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